Jacklepop Lives Again, Soon!

It’s been a few months since I installed Certbot on my Digitalocean host for jacklepop.com. I had followed instructions to load a free SSL certificate because Google announced that sites without them would be marked as ‘not secure’. My efforts were unsuccessful. So, while my site ran on Laravel 4 for the longest time, I… Continue reading Jacklepop Lives Again, Soon!

Categorised as General

Everyone A Handy One

In March 2018, I purchased a Bosch 12 volt brushless impact driver. I must have harboured thoughts of busting it out to perform reparations and upgrades around the home then. It however laid dormant in my toolbox until just days ago when my mum purchased two sets of new wall mounts. The task then was… Continue reading Everyone A Handy One

Categorised as General, Life

A Future Of Automation

Automation and its effects have fascinated me ever since I came across the concept years ago. I saw gradual implementation of technology across the various sectors over the years. In the early 2010s, I worked at Somerset and 313@Somerset was a usual lunchtime haunt for workers around the area. One day, I spotted several touchscreen… Continue reading A Future Of Automation