About Me

This would be me if I were a cartoon character.

Hello. My name is Wei Yong. I hold a degree in Sociology with Communication from the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS). I am interested in Social Modularity: Traits, characteristics, skills, attitudes, modes of thinking, and behaviours that allow people to manoeuvre within social ladders. I am a Semiotical Sociologist and hope to be a (Theoretical) Sociotherapist. These titles may or may not exist. I think Sociology brings value to society especially when integrated constructively with other schools of thought, such as Semiotics which I possess a fond interest in.

I currently think Strategy and curate Partnerships at Engineering Good (EG). I also look into processes and strive to improve the tiniest of things through technology and automation. I write some JavaScript, Python, and PHP.

I believe that technology greatly benefits human work when harnessed properly. So, a large part of my life has been dedicated to learning and making the computer work for me–if something goes wrong, it tends to be my fault for the most part. Since humans are complex creatures that can twist a simple instruction into complicated outcomes, I prefer working with code and algorithms instead in solving human problems, improbable as it may seem.

I enjoy what I do.

I started this site for the following reasons:

  • Write
  • Improve my writing
  • Explore long-form writing
  • Strengthen my writing voice
  • Express my ideas with greater clarity
  • Synthesise thoughts, ideas, and speech into words
  • Chronicle my journey through SUSS as a part-time student
  • Generate articles that integrate sociological perspectives while interrogating social life
  • To acknowledge what others see in me as a writer in fulfilling the capacity for great, unlimited potential
  • Allow me free rein to explore the great complexity of life, its associated problems, and generate critical discussion
  • To be a multi-gazillionaire

Above all, I wish to scratch the Generalist itch by penning my thoughts into this site. In turn, I wish that you–the reader–will find joy, solace, hope, and motivation to tackle personal and societal ills: One word at a time.

Now, I wish to impress upon readers that writing is an iterative and continuous process. A piece is only finished when no more words can be removed. A book can only be closed when every word is precisely chosen with clarity in meaning that leaves no room for misinterpretation.

Hence, do expect posts on my site to undergo continual edits until the effort taken to improve my writing outweighs any perceived gains. In doing so, you may stumble upon incomplete passages, disjointed phrases, and sloppy wording. That is perfectly normal. I will also continue to edit posts long after they are published. Please do not be alarmed!

Above all, I am not a food or travel blogger. I eat to live. If I don’t die from eating, then the food is good enough. If I experience adverse effects post consumption, I will write about it so you too, can wade through a gastronomical warzone. That way, if you and I share the same experience, then we know that the food is really bad. Also, all posts are non-sponsored–I pay for everything myself unless explicitly mentioned.

:: jacklepop ::

When I had enough of being a Wei Yong, which is all of the time, I turn into the jacklepop. Head over to www.jacklepop.com to see my doodles, photographs, and listen to my music!

Thick and thin lines define the JKLP style.

You can also find me at the following:


I also write about cars and my fascination with the pragmatically designed 2007 Honda Jazz GD1 at Singcarpore. Honda redefined the hatchback and seared the idea of a practical and fun ultracompact into my mind. To that end, I believe that the 2007 Honda Jazz is till date: The best Japanese hatchback ever.

I scrapped the Jazz as of June, 2022. Its memories, however, still remain. 🙂