You Should Stop Saying These

A good part of living involves listening to people talk. It is however, not easy to speak well. Talking is communication, and it is a fundamental skill for everyone. People who talk as fast as they think often say a lot of fluff words. They end up saying nothing worthy. So, here are some words… Continue reading You Should Stop Saying These

Categorised as General

Salads: Adventures In Green

I have been eating salads for lunch for about a month now. Why? You ask. Go Green Healthier diet Get fruits into my system Save time by not travelling for lunch Eat a healthier meal without the need to cook Improve my knife chopping skills during food prep Salads are really simple to create. Let… Continue reading Salads: Adventures In Green

Categorised as Food, Life

This Is Your Year’s Reading

The year will bring good health and wealth to those who move with open eyes. Opportunities abound. But, you must take care to speak the truth. Tread with caution and work with good people in your organisation. Be confident in your words and do not falter in speech or posture.

Categorised as Life