It’s been a while. The “Wuhan” virus, now known as Covid-19, or SARS-CoV-2 is now a global pandemic (“WHO Director-General’s opening remarks”, 2020). Some countries have closed their borders, limiting international travel, and ordered businesses to shut down.
While Singapore was one of the first countries to be struck by the virus, our response was swift. Contact tracing and temperature screening were the two strategies to track down Covid-19 suspects. Individuals received Leave of Absence, and Stay Home Notices. The message was clear: Stay Home.
Yet, with infected numbers still increasing, Singapore implemented more measures to curb the spread. These measures however, were not implemented in one day, but over many weeks. Singapore cannot go into full lockdown, nor can we shut ourselves from the world. It can however, instruct entertainment venues to close (Ng & Tan, 2020).
Essential services will however, carry on operations. The virus exposes the core services that keep a country together in times of crisis. That much, is clear. The frontline medical workers are the MVPs. So are the cleaners, service staff, maintenance workers, cooks, and many more.
Ng, M., & Tan, T. M. (2020). Coronavirus: All entertainment venues in Singapore to close, gatherings outside work and school limited to 10 people. The Straits Times. Retrieved from
WHO Director-General’s opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 – 11 March 2020. (2020, March 11). World Health Organisation. Retrieved from—11-march-2020