Movie Review: Tenet

Tenet is a film for Christopher Nolan fans. And for people who love movies that delve into time travel, time manipulation, and time distortion. However, this time, it’s really about time. Though, Tenet is not so much about time travel as it is about experiencing timelines in parallel: Forwards and backwards, at the same time. It’s high time someone made a film about not-time travel but time itself. Time and again, we see the tropes fleshed out on the screen. This time, it’s different. Or is it more of the same?

My one biggest criticism about this film is the audio mixing. Was it a case of sound engineering gone wrong? Did Nolan intend for film dialogue to be horribly muffled and drowned out by the sounds and music? Did the production team mess up the audio this time? No one knows. We may find out when the time comes. Perhaps.

What did I like though? Everything. It’s got a Protagonist, and some other people that also are fighting to end a world war three or something. It’s got car chases, explosions, scenes of destruction, some snappy one-liners against more tight one-liners. It’s also got people trying to sound smart, because sound seems to be really expensive in this film, given that you cannot hear what the Protagonist is saying at times.

I give Tenet a net out of ten.

The film has got people trying to sound smart, because sound feels like it busted the budget for this film, given that we cannot hear what the on-screen people are saying at times. It’s got car chases, explosions, and scenes that happen in reverse, while people dish out snappy one-liners against more tight one-liners. It’s also got a Protagonist and some other people who are trying to prevent world war three. I like these things.

No one knows what happened to the audio too. We could find out when the time comes. Maybe. Did the production team screw up the audio this time? Did Nolan purposely drown out film dialogue with the background sounds and music? My one biggest downer about this film is the sound design. Did the sound engineering go horribly wrong?

Still, Tenet is a different take on the genre this time. Or is it more of the same?
Time and again, we see the tropes fleshed out on the screen. It’s high time someone made a film about time itself, and not time travel. Though, Tenet is not so much about time travel as it is about experiencing timelines in parallel: Forwards and backwards, at the same time. However, this time, it’s really about the concept of time. And for people who love movies that delve into time travel, time manipulation, and time distortion. Tenet is a film for Christopher Nolan fans.