Wear your mask but take them off too

With outdoor mask-wearing being optional from March 29, 2022, the MTF collaborated with MOE to release a PSLE question. This is to test students on their indoor and outdoor awareness. So, are you smarter than a primary school kid?

Question 1)

Xiao Ming stays in a HDB on the 25th storey. He exits his home and walks towards the lift. He walks past the void deck and heads towards the MRT station 80 meters away, and stays on the pedestrian walkway until reaching the underground station.

He arrives at his destination–a station located above ground. He starts perspiring immediately. Why is the Singapore weather like this?

He exits the station and walks towards the dilapidated air-conditioned shopping mall located just opposite. However, a portion of the mall has been marked for renovations and repair works. Some parts of the ceiling have been removed. The north wing of the mall also had its walls torn down, thereby exposing shoppers to the outdoor heat and traffic noise from the adjacent busy intersection.

Xiao Ming decides to dine in at a fast food joint located beside the renovation works. While eating, he takes in the sight of vehicles whizzing by and pedestrians strolling about.

Halfway through his meal, Xiao Ming had to visit the loo 36 meters away. He must walk between rows of shops and then turn right onto a narrow portion of the mall under renovation. He hears the distinct vroom of an Alfa Romeo Giulietta and spots it from a hole in the wall, smiles, and carries on his merry way to the men’s.

One side of the wall in the men’s loo is torn down. However, the space is largely air-conditioned, providing some respite to weary bottoms and businessmen doing business within the confines of the stalls.

Xiao Ming decides to pee in the privacy of the stalls.

When done, he remembers to wash his hands. Be like Xiao Ming. Wash your hand no matter the number that you’re doing. Don’t forget to dry your digits too.

Xiao Ming walks back to the fast food joint and resumes his meal. He finishes his meal and leaves the mall. In doing so, he must walk through a fully enclosed space, and then head past the areas marked for renovations before exiting the mall.

He heads for the intersection and walks towards the MRT station. The weather is really warm and humid.

He makes his way home.

Let (a) be the total number of times that Xiao Ming takes his mask off.
Let (b) be the total number of times that Xiao Ming puts his mask back on.

Find (c) where (c) is the sum of (a) and (b). How many times did Xiao Ming’s hands performed an act of mask adjustment?

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